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Sharon Dennis - Unmarried, Jesus follower, Mentally compromised, Mad cat lady, Retro teenager and Art Student.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Soul of a Teddy.

I don't really design teddies.  No.  I think they design themselves.  I just put them together.

I see a piece of fur fabric that calls out to me to make it into a teddy.  I have no say in it.  Sure, I designed a pattern or two many moons ago, but that's the last of my input.  The little teddy personality just happens by itself.

I think, maybe, little teddy souls float around in the air until someone buys some fur and makes a teddy, then the soul comes to reside, offering comfort and protection to a little human soul it's matched with on earth.

Maybe teddy souls are like sparks of inspiration, it's said that they float in the air, being attracted to some people and not to others.

And I seem to be an antenna for more than my share of them!

If you would like to see some of these little souls, and maybe make one your own, you can see them at my Etsy shop by clicking on the kitten to the right.